The Man Who Wired Silicon Valley
Fund Boss Built Empire on Charm, Smarts and Information
[The case against fund king Raj Rajaratnam hinges on whether he knowingly traded on inside information.] Bloomberg News
The case against fund king Raj Rajaratnam hinges on whether he knowingly traded on inside information.
Raj Rajaratnam liked to tell people that his first name meant "king" in Hindi, and, coupled with his last name, that made him "king of kings."
He told the story with the broad, toothy smile that had ingratiated him to a generation of Silicon Valley executives. The grin softened the edge of a boss who'd call you an "idiot" or prod you into some humiliating stunt: Would you take $5,000 to be shocked with a stun gun?
In a mansion on a manmade island in Biscayne Bay in February 2007, Mr. Rajaratnam seemed determined to live up to his regal description of his name. It was Super Bowl weekend, and America's rich and powerful had descended on South Florida to watch the Indianapolis Colts play the Chicago Bears. Mostly they were there to do business. Mr. Rajaratnam's business was running a hedge fund, Galleon Group, that had made him a billionaire. And that business was based on contacts.
[The Rise of Raj]
Wealthy investors and executives swirled around the rented home -- $250,000 for the week -- on exclusive Star Island. Miami Beach twinkled in the darkness as they drank, smoked cigars and hobnobbed with beautiful women -- rent-a-dates, one Galleon employee called them -- around a swimming pool that seemed to disappear into the horizon.
But a fall was already brewing. Federal agents were circling Mr. Rajaratnam, starting to build the biggest insider-trading case in a generation. Prosecutors and securities regulators worked for the next 32 months before springing a sprawling indictment in October that charged Mr. Rajaratnam and 20 others with profiting off market-moving, inside information.
Mr. Rajaratnam has pleaded not guilty, and is free on bail.
"Throughout his career Mr. Rajaratnam has worked tirelessly as permitted by the securities laws to build a mosaic of public information about the companies he follows," his attorney, John Dowd, said. "His detailed, meticulous research into company fundamentals distinguished him as an exceptional analyst and portfolio manager. Mr. Rajaratnam is innocent of the charges against him and looks forward to his day in court when a jury of his fellow citizens will examine and evaluate all of the evidence."
How federal prosecutors assembled the biggest insider-trading case in a generation.
A Wall Street Journal examination of Mr. Rajaratnam's career -- including interviews with more than 75 ex-business associates and a review of copies of Mr. Rajaratnam's own handwritten notes -- gives the clearest picture yet of how, for two decades, he persuaded executives at some of America's most prominent companies to risk their careers by passing corporate secrets.
The Galleon investigation has already touched McKinsey & Co., International Business Machines Corp., Intel Corp. and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. in connection with the leaking of confidential information that Mr. Rajaratnam allegedly traded on.
Mr. Rajaratnam got his start as an analyst just as the moribund semiconductor industry started to boom. Charming and puckish, he made contacts in Silicon Valley's Indian expatriate community, using them to meet other executives. By the early 1990s, tech industry executives and Mr. Rajaratnam's co-workers say he made himself the hub of dozens of sources funneling him supposedly confidential corporate information. In exchange, Mr. Rajaratnam would often pass them tips he'd heard.
The question of his guilt or innocence will turn on whether in this relentless cultivation of contacts, Mr. Rajaratnam grew rich by knowingly trading on inside information gleaned from the influential and savvy players who made up the network.
'One-Legged Men'
As a Needham & Co. staffer walked into the firm's reception area one day in 1985, a young man in a suit popped out of his seat, flashed a big smile and said he was there for a job interview. There was nothing to indicate that he'd one day be the impresario of a $7 billion hedge fund.
Raj Rajaratnam, who had been at Chase Manhattan Bank for two years after getting his M.B.A., was one of a stream of applicants hoping to catch on at the fledgling investment bank. The word was Needham would take a chance on the callow and the cast off, as long as they were willing to work grueling hours for low pay.
"I hire one-legged men, and I beat the crap out of them," the firm's founder, George Needham, was heard to say. He declined to comment through a spokesman for this article.
It was a time when corporate information flowed more freely than today. Until the late 1990s, executives tended to speak more openly with analysts, unfettered by tighter regulations put into place during the past decade. Mr. Needham, who hasn't been accused of any wrongdoing, expected his analysts to prospect for information on the industries they covered anywhere, any time: On a plane, quiz your seatmate; in a bar, chat up the drinker next to you.
He also expected them to be frugal. He checked expense reports himself, telling employees to take red-eye flights and chiding them when he found redeemable soda cans in the trash.
The digs at 400 Park Ave. matched the ethos: Mr. Needham furnished the place with second-hand furniture, such as a $100 credenza from the office of Ivan Boesky, the disgraced financier busted for insider trading.
Mr. Rajaratnam thrived in a job that could have been a dead end: analyzing the computer chip industry. Beset by a flood of Japanese chips, U.S. makers were on the ropes, many large investors had fled the sector, and few analysts covered it in depth.
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Raj Rajaratnam appeared on top of theworld at a 2007 benefit in NewYork; with actress Blythe Danner, AIDS activist Brenda Freiberg and his wife, Asha.
Sipa Press
Raj Rajaratnam appeared on top of the world at a 2007 benefit in New York; with actress Blythe Danner, AIDS activist Brenda Freiberg and his wife, Asha.
Raj Rajaratnam appeared on top of theworld at a 2007 benefit in NewYork; with actress Blythe Danner, AIDS activist Brenda Freiberg and his wife, Asha.
Raj Rajaratnam appeared on top of theworld at a 2007 benefit in NewYork; with actress Blythe Danner, AIDS activist Brenda Freiberg and his wife, Asha.
Mr. Rajaratnam would fly overnight from New York to California, bunk at a Palo Alto motel that fit Needham's $90-a-night limit, and spend his days with chip executives.
Mr. Rajaratnam cut a more appealing figure than rival analysts. Gerald Taylor, a former finance chief at Applied Materials Inc., a manufacturer of chip-making machines, found most of them to be ill-informed "prima donnas, hot-shots." Mr. Rajaratnam, on the other hand, told stories of "a kind of Horatio Alger" upbringing in Sri Lanka. He told others of how, as Tamils in Sri Lanka, his family had to dodge bullets during the country's civil war.
The exotic tales sometimes glossed over the fact that Mr. Rajaratnam grew up in relative wealth. The son of a manager for sewing machine maker Singer Co., he attended college in England before going on to the University of Pennsylvania's prestigious Wharton School.
'Get the Number'
The stories added a dash of color to the sharp analysis and willingness to push hard that impressed chip executives.
When Applied Materials' Mr. Taylor was explaining a new technology called "chemical vapor deposition" in early 1987, one analyst at a big Wall Street bank fell asleep during his presentation. Mr. Rajaratnam, though, flew to Silicon Valley, met Mr. Taylor and company engineers, and touted the technology in reports to investors.
Mr. Rajaratnam also visited Applied's customers and myriad suppliers elsewhere, something few analysts did.
"He earned your respect because he did his homework," says Mr. Taylor, even though he only gave Mr. Rajaratnam the same information he offered to other analysts.
Sometimes, Mr. Rajaratnam's persistence raised alarms. "He was always trying to weasel more information out of you," says David Orgill, who was Applied's head of investor relations in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
All along, Mr. Rajaratnam worked to persuade executives at Applied and other companies to use Needham to help underwrite their stock offerings. Applied and chip makers including Atmel Corp., Oak Technology Inc. and Opti Inc. used Needham for that; so did Xilinx Corp., which picked Needham "because Raj promised to write extensive research reports," says the company's then-senior vice president of finance, Gordon Steel.
As Mr. Rajaratnam brought more business to the firm, he pushed for more power by touting job offers from bigger Wall Street banks. Mr. Needham made Mr. Rajaratnam the firm's director of research and then, in 1991, president.
[GeorgeNeedham, with wife, emphasized building contacts to Mr. Rajaratnam.] Patrick McMullan
George Needham, with wife, emphasized building contacts to Mr. Rajaratnam.
That year, an analyst named Gerald Fleming found out that while Mr. Rajaratnam had moved up the organizational chart, he was still plugged in. At a regular morning meeting with Mr. Rajaratnam and a roomful of colleagues on May 13, Mr. Fleming estimated Applied's earnings per share at 41 cents. A short time later, Mr. Rajaratnam told Mr. Fleming the projection was wrong. "A good source" told him the earnings would be 42 cents a share. When Applied announced its earnings later in the day, that was the number.
In the morning meeting the next day, Mr. Rajaratnam told Mr. Fleming, "I hired you to develop sources and get the number."
Mr. Rajaratnam's close ties to Applied led Mr. Needham to jokingly ask in meetings about what the "pillow talk" was telling him about the company's earnings, say three former Needham employees.
"Mr. Rajaratnam's interactions with representatives of Applied Materials were completely professional at all times, and any suggestion to the contrary is false," Mr. Dowd, his attorney, said.
Mr. Rajaratnam expanded his power at Needham by starting a hedge fund to invest in tech stocks in 1992, tapping many of his chip-industry contacts for investments. By the beginning of 1994, Mr. Rajaratnam owned 17% of the firm -- second only to Mr. Needham's 26% -- and was paid $1 million that year. He also made sure that new executives knew his stature at the firm: "I'm the boss here," he told one in his first week there. "George may be the guy who has his name on the door, but I'm the guy who makes things happen."
Taking Note
Mr. Rajaratnam became a charismatic leader, cementing a culture at the firm that was defined by testing personal limits.
After Mr. Rajaratnam boasted one day that there was no spicy sauce that he couldn't stomach, a colleague brought a bottle of habanero sauce called Armageddon to the trading desk. A crowd gathered to watch as Mr. Rajaratnam doused two chicken wings with it and chowed down. Within moments, Mr. Rajaratnam was crying and coughing uncontrollably. He ran to the bathroom and left work early. Mr. Rajaratnam laughed about it later.
By the early 1990s, Microsoft Corp.'s Windows software and fast, cheap microprocessors from Intel spawned a personal-computer boom that reinvigorated the chip industry that Mr. Rajaratnam had worked so assiduously to cultivate.
Intel in early 1994 was facing new threats from AMD over the brains used in PCs. AMD had just won a big court case against its larger rival, and investors were itching to find out whether AMD's 486 chips were eroding Intel's dominance.
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Danielle Chiesi, a trader known for her tech-industry connections, surprised some Galleon employees by attending a party at Mr. Rajaratnam's house.
Getty Images
Danielle Chiesi, a trader known for her tech-industry connections, surprised some Galleon employees by attending a party at Mr. Rajaratnam's house.
Danielle Chiesi, a trader known for her tech-industry connections, surprised some Galleon employees by attending a party at Mr. Rajaratnam's house.
Danielle Chiesi, a trader known for her tech-industry connections, surprised some Galleon employees by attending a party at Mr. Rajaratnam's house.
On March 21 of that year, Mr. Rajaratnam was working the phones in his corner office overlooking Park Avenue and across a hallway from Needham's trading floor. It was two weeks before AMD would report earnings for its first fiscal quarter.
With a felt-tip pen, he wrote the date and two names in a spiral notebook. One was the first name of a manager at various tech companies in the 1990s, including AMD; the other was that of an engineer who worked at chip companies.
"Could do over $500 million," Mr. Rajaratnam noted farther down the first page. On an adjacent page, he wrote that the "goal," as of March 1, was "$484," then "New $515." Below that he wrote "486's" and "1 million units." In bold strokes across the two pages, he jotted other numbers, including prices for two versions of the 486 chip.
On April 4, AMD surprised Wall Street by announcing a record $513 million in revenue for its fiscal first quarter. The company said 486 chips sold more rapidly than expected early in the quarter, with sales surpassing 900,000 units.
A devoted note-taker, Mr. Rajaratnam kept a series of notebooks that recorded frequent conversations with people at tech companies, including Actel, Atmel and Alliance Semiconductor Inc. The pages were studded with the kind of information that analysts normally didn't get, the fruit of all those attentive visits to Silicon Valley.
It was the kind of work that enabled Mr. Rajaratnam to emerge from his office and be heard telling his top trader, Gary Rosenbach, that he had "the number" for earnings from Intel and AMD before they were announced.
Firms Try to Plug Leaks
Mr. Rajaratnam's aggressive tactics led several companies over the years to try to caulk leaks. Executives at chip makers Cirrus Logic and Silicon Valley Group, which both used Needham in stock offerings, grew frustrated with Mr. Rajaratnam badgering employees for tips.
In the mid-1990s, he offered to trade Cirrus executives proprietary information on other companies in exchange for Cirrus details. Similarly, Mr. Rajaratnam tried extracting information from Silicon Valley Group's then-chief executive, Papken Der Torossian, by saying he had information about orders from someone at an IBM plant in Vermont. Mr. Der Torossian says he turned him down.
Cirrus implemented a policy allowing just three top executives to talk with Mr. Rajaratnam and other analysts. Employment contracts were re-written to say that employees who violated that policy would be fired.
The Galleon Case
* Galleon Defendants Criticize Timing of Cases
* Rajaratnam, Chiesi Charged in Insider Case
* WSJ Topics: Raj Rajaratnam
At SVG, Mr. Der Torossian chastised employees for talking with Mr. Rajaratnam. Still, he says, while other analysts would "try to dig deep," Mr. Rajaratnam "was particularly clever, particularly good, and would get more information."
Around the same time, Intel held internal meetings to try to figure out how Mr. Rajaratnam's published reports were so uncannily accurate ahead of the company's earnings.
Concerns about Mr. Rajaratnam's activities helped cool Paine Webber's interest in buying Needham in 1995, according to a person with direct knowledge of negotiations. Soon, similar worries spurred complaints from some inside Needham.
Between 1993 and 1996, at least five Needham executives told Mr. Needham that they were worried about Mr. Rajaratnam's conduct, according to several people with knowledge of the situation. Needham brokerage clients complained to executives that Mr. Rajaratnam had potentially conflicting roles in the firm as president, fund manager, and sometime stock analyst. Normally, investment banks keep those areas separate to prevent clients' interests from clashing with the interests of bank-run funds.
Toward the end of 1996, the concerns fueled tensions between the executives and Mr. Rajaratnam. Meanwhile, Mr. Rajaratnam, who wanted to expand his hedge fund faster than Mr. Needham would allow, had been raising money for his own operation.
In November 1996, Mr. Needham told his employees that "I greatly regret to announce that Raj Rajaratnam, my friend and partner," would be leaving to form his own firm, ending a breakneck 11-year run at Needham.
Mr. Rajaratnam set up Galleon in a small office at Lexington Avenue and 57th Street, about a block from his old firm. He hired several former colleagues, including Mr. Rosenbach, the firm's head trader, and tapped Silicon Valley contacts for investment. Riding the wave of investors anxious to get in on the tech boom, Galleon was managing $800 million by the end of 1997, up from up from $250 million 12 months before.
Mr. Rajaratnam established a looser culture at his new firm. On Thursdays, employees could sign up to get massages at the office. Still, the game plan was the same as Needham: watch expenses closely and ferret out corporate information.
Not long after Galleon launched, Intel renewed its efforts to find out if someone at the company was leaking financial data to Mr. Rajaratnam. Intel installed cameras by a fax machine in its Santa Clara, Calif., headquarters. In March 1998, it recorded an employee named Roomy Khan sending handwritten notes and documents marked "Intel Confidential" to Mr. Rajaratnam.
Included were data on Intel chip orders from several dozen computer makers and selling prices of those chips. Combined, the information could be used to determine Intel's revenue for the quarter.
Ms. Khan left Intel soon after, and the company reported her to federal authorities. Soon, she had a new job. Mr. Rajaratnam hired her at Galleon.
She left Galleon after a year. In 2001, Ms. Khan agreed to plead guilty to wire-fraud charges -- and to cooperate in a probe of Mr. Rajaratnam. Ms. Khan served six months under house arrest, but prosecutors dropped the investigation, unable to prove that Mr. Rajaratnam traded on the information.
Galleon Sets Sail
Each day at Galleon started with a morning meeting. Traders and analysts streamed nearly all at once into a conference room trying to get there before start time -- 8:35 in recent years. A stickler for punctuality, Mr. Rajaratnam would sometimes fine latecomers $25.
Surrounded by his staff, Mr. Rajaratnam began the meeting by asking for an overview of the significant events of the day or week -- earnings announcements, a product launch, anything that might move stocks. Mr. Rajaratnam grilled them, sometimes sending analysts leafing through binders to find a figure, such as gross margins or the pricing of a product line.
He often got angry if an analyst couldn't confidently say whether a stock would go up or down. Mr. Rajaratnam always wanted "the variant view," his mantra for an opinion on a stock that was different from the rest of Wall Street. "If the market comes into your variant view, we make money," he would say.
At Galleon, Mr. Rajaratnam took his fondness for pranks and dares to a new level. When executives from stun-gun maker Taser International Inc. came to make an investment pitch around 2005, Mr. Rajaratnam offered $5,000 to anyone who'd agree to be shocked. Employees gathered around as two people propped up trader Keryn Limmer at the elbows and another person fired the weapon. Ms. Limmer's legs buckled beneath her from the shock. Ms. Limmer declined to comment.
That same year, employees arrived at Galleon's morning meeting to a surprise: In the conference room was a dwarf whom Mr. Rajaratnam introduced as an analyst hired to cover "small-cap" stocks. He was, in fact, an actor hired for an April Fool's Day gag.
By 2004, Mr. Rajaratnam was building a profile outside the hedge-fund world. He joined the board of the Harlem Children's Zone, an education nonprofit, and later raised about $7.5 million for victims of the South Asian tsunami. In January 2007, a list of celebrity donors honored Mr. Rajaratnam's philanthropy with a symphony performance at Lincoln Center.
By the time of the Super Bowl party a month later, Galleon and Mr. Rajaratnam appeared to be on top of the world. Approaching $7 billion under management, the firm moved into larger Manhattan offices at Madison Avenue and 57th Street, expanded into Asia and started a new fund based in California. Employees were convinced the firm would soon go public.
Yet all was not well. Mr. Rajaratnam was cooperating with a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation of his younger brother Rengan's now-defunct hedge fund, Sedna. No charges have been filed in that investigation, and Rengan Rajaratnam's lawyer declined to comment.
Raj Rajaratnam answered questions and provided reams of Sedna-related documents that raised investigators' suspicions about Galleon itself.
As the summer ended that year, the real shape of the threat was only beginning to emerge. On a hot September afternoon, Mr. Rajaratnam threw a party at his Greenwich, Conn., home for Galleon employees and their families -- a clambake with a cowboy theme, owing to the day's star attraction, country singer Kenny Rogers. Guests wore cowboy hats and sheriff's badges as they ate lobster while sitting on white folding chairs or red blankets with the Galleon logo.
Mr. Rajaratnam seemed relaxed, mingling with family and friends. One guest stuck out, a blonde woman in a black spaghetti-strap top, low-slung tangerine skirt and aviator sunglasses. A few guests knew her as Danielle Chiesi, a trader at a Bear Stearns hedge fund who had strong chip-industry connections. Some there wondered what Ms. Chiesi, accompanied by her mother, was doing at a Galleon party.
Mr. Rogers' hit song "The Gambler" was a favorite of Mr. Rajaratnam's: "You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away and know when to run...."
As Mr. Rogers sang, Ms. Chiesi sat in a folding chair; Mr. Rajaratnam stood a few paces behind.
Within a year federal agents would be recording their phone calls, pulling at loose threads in a web that had taken two decades to weave.
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